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Cytometry Facility

Bio 632 Introductory Course in Flow Cytometry

Date & Registration

The registration for the onsite Bio 632 course 4th -6th of March 2025 is open. There is no waiting list, since we allow overbooking and eery registrant receives a course seat.

Please register via web form 

Course fees are  listed here.  The course is free of charge for bachelor, master and PhD students of university Zurich.


General information

This  beginner course provides a systematic introduction to flow cytometry via a series of lectures and workshops. The course includes theory session on instrument layout, panel design, fluorescence and detection of fluorescence, spectral features, controls in flow cytometry, data structure & visualization and principles of manual data analysis. The theory will be complemented by practical workshops on compensation,  panel design and manual data analysis.

During the instrument sessions you will record various experiments on one of our instruments. The course will guide you through a complete cytometry experiment. Starting from staining PBMCs, recording controls & samples and finally analyzing the data of our 6 color demo T-reg panel.

1 ECTS for the course


Teaching Flow Cytometry at Flow Cytometry Facility University Zurich

Weiterführende Informationen

Schedule from previous course

 Here you can download the general course schedule: Bio 632 Schedule General


Unterseiten von Bio 632 Introductory Course in Flow Cytometry