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Cytometry Facility

BD FACSDiscover S8 5L - Irchel 4

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Sorter Specifications

The BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell sorter is the first cell sorter that combines full-spectrum flow cytometry with sort-capable image analysis. Besides sorting large fluorescent panels this enables sorting based on specific signal localization within the cell or other morphological features.

The BD SpectralFX™ Technology applies five lasers (349 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 637 nm) and 78 fluorescence channels (APDs) covering the full emission spectrum.

BD CellView™ Image Technology performs camera-free imaging in three fluorescence and three scatter channels (FSC, SSC and Light-Loss) using 488nm excitation. The high-speed imaging is possible up to 10’000 images per second with an image resolution comparable to a 10x - 20x widefield objective. The on-the-fly image analysis yields morphological information like size, signal diffusivity, signal eccentricity and correlation between imaging channels that can be used to define target populations for sorting.

85 µm, 100 µm and 130 µm nozzles are available for cell sorting of material ranging from bacteria to fat cells or tubules.

The sorter is exclusively run by operator-based service. request Mo - Fr from 09:00 - 17:00.
The FACSDiscover S8 is prioritized for sorting projects requiring spectral unmixing or image-based sort strategies. For regular sorts please request operator-based sorts on the Aria or S6 sorters.

Please consult our guidelines for sample preparation if you are unclear about how to prepare your cells for sorting.

The number of parallel collected populations is dependend on the used nozzle.

  • 85 nozzle = up to 6 populations in 1.5 ml eppis  or 5 ml tubes
  • 100 nozzle = up to 4 population in 1.5 ml eppis  or 5 ml tubes
  • 130 nozzle = up to 2 population in 1.5 ml eppis  or 5 ml tubes
  • 6 well, 24 well, 48 well, 96 well and 384 well plates (the latter not recommended with 130 nozzle)

Samples as well as collected cells can be kept at temperatures ranging from 4° - 42°C.


Contact for further questions.

Addresse: University Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Room Y44G03g, 8057 Zürich