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Cytometry Facility


Irchel Cytometry lab

Most of our instruments are located in Y44 G 03 at the Lichthof.

Lab head of the Irchel location is Philipp Schätzle

Our staff members have their office in  Y23 K 12.

New location FCF

You will find the following instruments at Irchel:

BD FACS Canto 2L

BD FACS Canto 3L

BD FACSymphony 5L

Cytek Aurora 5L

Cytek Image Stream X

NanoFCM NanoAnalyzer - Irchel


BD FACSymphony S6 5L

BD FACSDiscover S8 5L


Schlieren Flow Cytometry and Microscopy Lab.

The sister core facilities (FCF/ZMB) run a technology platform in Schlieren at Wagistrasse 12 on the 5th floor.
The office and instruments are located in WAD K 104 and WAD K 105. A fully equipped cell culture lab for all instrument users can be found in WAD K 126.

Lab head of the Schlieren location is Tatiane Gorski

How to get there with the shuttle bus from Irchel/USZ?


You will find the following instruments in Schlieren:


LSR II Fortessa

Cytek Aurora 5L - Spectral Analyzer - Schlieren

CLSM Leica SP8

Zeiss Widefield

CLSM - Zeiss LSM 900

Slidescanner - Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1

Slide Imaging System - Akoya - Vectra Polaris/PhenoImager HT



Cytometry Lab at the University Hospital (USZ)

Our flow lab at the University Hospital is located at the Institute of Pathology in Schmelzbergstrasse 12 in room PATH G 49. 

A cell culture hood is located in the lab and can be used by all instrument users.


At the USZ you can find following instruments:


LSR II Fortessa 1

LSR II Fortessa 2


Biosafety lab class III  Irchel

The Institute of Medical Virology operates a Biosafety Level 3 (Y36M) laboratory, including a high speed sorter. This room is not freely accessible to users allowing only operator-based sorts.


Cytometry Lab at Kinderspital - Childrens Hospital

The Cytometry Facility can be found at Forschungsgebäude Kinderspital, August-Forelstrasse 51, Floor D Room 4.009


The following instruments can be found at Kinderspital:

Cytek Aurora 5L - Spectral Analyzer - Lengg

BD FACSAria III 5L - Lengg